Thursday, 7 June 2012

'Coastal Muse' solo exhibition by Susan Godsiff. 9th June 2012

Paul Cézanne said, “ Painting from nature is not copying the object: it is realizing one’s sensations.”
'Coastal Muse' Blott gallery shot

This series of paintings were inspired by many hours absorbing the sensations of the air, wind and nature on coastal walks.

I find that when painting in nature I interpret the reality around me. While painting a scene, I must constantly adjust to changes caused by the variation in light and wind to realize my sensations. While painting, I often have the benefit of hearing and seeing things in nature that often are overlooked such as the movement of clouds, and the way the wind influences the surface of water.

The small drawings are studies of barnacle encrusted shells thrown up after stormy weather. Through close observation they take on new shapes which can be interpreted by the viewer from their own sense of perspective and experience.

Susan Godsiff
June 2012

'Avien', Conte pencil

'Dreams of Summer', Acrylic on canvas

'Granny's Bay', Acrylic on canvas